
时间:2012-06-14 02:59:34    来源:   

由韩国韩光软件公司制作的大型国战3D MMORPG《创誓记AIKA》欧美地区代理商gPotato在太平洋时间3月16日正式开放该游戏在欧美地区的公开测试,但是只有欧美地区的玩家可以享受试玩的资格。



Dear Aika players,

Many of you have voiced concerns as to the effect of the recently announced service restriction>Currently, a decision has not been reached regarding the status of existing Aika accounts which were registered outside of North America. The issue is under intensive review by management. In the event that existing accounts are blocked from playing Aika as a result of this decision, those players whose accounts would be unable to access the game will be issued a full refund>We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. We will confirm and announce all details by April 30th, 2010. We very much appreciate your patience, and we sincerely apologize for the restriction’s negative impact>- The Aika Team -




2009韩国游戏大奖获奖作公开:C9荣膺总统奖 AIKA获国务总理奖

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